The video below is from Liptovský Hrádok, Slovakia, where students of the School of Forestry and two folklore ensembles carry on the tradition. The song is Máj, máj, máj, zelený - "Green Maypole." Here is one of the verses with my translation.
Vstávaj dievča hore, sadíme ti máje,
ak hore nevstaneš, mája nedostaneš.
[:Máj, máj, máj, zelený
pod oblôčkom sadený.:]
"Get out of bed, girl, we're putting up a Maypole for you, if you don't get out of bed, you won't get one. Green Maypole, Maypole, Maypole, planted under [your] window."
So, here's wishing everyone lots of love this month!
I'll be back next week, May 12, with the first of my Summer Reading entries for this year: reviews of books you can take on vacation, or that will take you to a destination from the comfort and safety of your armchair.