Here are a few eye-openers I’ve gleaned from the web.
Anyone who’s seen Slum Dog Millionaire can’t forget the scene where a child is blinded to make him more useful for begging. It’s shocking, but reality in a city like Mumbai. Here’s a Slate article on “beggar mafias."
I came across this link on Air Fare Watchdog, an unexpected source on potential dilemmas that may crop up when travelling. Things are not always as they appear, so inform yourself well.
Here is a list of seemingly harmless attractions that contribute to animal cruelty.
Finally, let me recommend this site of general interest, Tourism Concern: Action for Ethical Tourism, which covers a large number of issues, backed up by professional reporting. "Voluntourism" may in many cases do more harm than good. For instance, helping out in an orphanage sounds like a great idea, but--among other potential negative consequences--bonding with kids and then leaving after a couple of weeks may contribute to attachment disorders in the young.
For logistical reasons, I’m switching my day for posts from Monday to Thursday. See you next week!