She'd arranged a visit to the Church of St. Francis Seraph, which dates back to 1310, and a sixty-year-old Franciscan took us inside for a rare tour.
(All images Copyright (c) 2014 by Mark Eliot Nuckols)
Afterwards we had supper (on the other side of Bystrica) at a traditional koliba, reminiscent of a time when herding was a widespread occupation in the Carpathians.
NEXT WEEK'S POST: Pics from a Crime & Punishment tour of St. Petersburg. Last Friday I commented on the 150th anniversary of the novel. Now I have something more to share.
Do Hája 9 00421 48 419 3263
976 33 Poniky [email protected]
Naturally, contributions will be appreciated. This info comes from the back of a church brochure, also the source of much of the captioning above.
Poniky is such a small town the name for some reason doesn't appear on this embedded Google map. But it's in the red area at center.